Thursday, November 3, 2011

Server maintenance yesterday....

Well I could say it was yesterday since it's about 12:55AM (GMT +8.00) here. There was a server check that started at 9.00am and ended at 11.58am. I was, however, unaware until I read the post on facebook at 12.36pm. As expected, once I logged on, there was less lag. Of course, it WAS a school day so I had no idea what to expect. But, of course, the server has never been so lagless for some time... But I was rather busy, so I had no time to enjoy this lagfree period. Came online at night, around 10.30pm or so. We went on our usual, nightly Zakum run, which was supposed to go on until my friend received [Skill Book] Phantom Blow from Zakum. But we've been thrown disconnections from hackers =.= The server maintenance today solved the Disconnection Hacker problem and my friend got we were looking for after such a long time XD.
Cheers to the 19 Zakums we had to kill before we finally got what my friend wanted xD. Although I did get a few good stuff from Zakum along the way. Tree Branches....Other basic skillbooks.... oh and the frequent helmet replacement XD. All for the "Charm" :P. Maybe I should try going on a Scarlion Run.... :P

Oh yeah other than that, the server maintenance today was also supposed to fix a certain exploit going around the server. I'm sure that some of you guys have already seen people with unreleased faces/hair ? They've been slacking, training, hacking and/or spamming all around Maple. I applaud the swift decision of the Asiasoft Moderators to conduct a server maintenance before any of this got out of hand. I, however, cannot say the same for the Chaos Warrior exploit going around. As the stuff gets spread around, more and more people have started using it. I for one am sick of hacking in the servers and have tried my best to minimize my time online. Scores of people have been banned for seemingly no reason, but who knows the history of the character better than the people who monitor the servers? Mmhmm.... Anyway, I'm minimizing my online time in Maple because I can feel my eye sight faltering ever so slowly as I play. So....yeah, that's another reason why I'm rarely online.

In reducing my online time, I'll have to fill my time with something else. So I started baking cupcakes to raise a little extra funding for future uses. I don't spend so much on Maple now XD. All that money spent and none of it is used to spruce up services in Maple >.> /sarcasm

So yeah I guess that's about it. Sorry if this post is all about words, but some people just need to read once in a while XD. A fast reader is equal to a smart and swift thinker.

So yeah, it's 1:13 AM now. I'm gonna go ahead and stay up all night doing some research. Hopefully my coffee will last until 6AM in the morning later

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