Saturday, October 29, 2011

Happy saturday people xD

*Yawn* Good morning guys, it's about 6.38 AM (+8:00GMT) right now, and the sun is just creeping above the horizon. Before I go for my usual weekend morning jog, I just want to say that I might not be active in my Dark Knight now because I started a new character. Now keeping a record of online hours about that character. Was online for 462 minutes or 7 hours and 42 minutes at 13 different time frames. He's level 46 now xD.

So yeah moving on, I'm on a level-ing spree along with a few of my friends. This started on Monday if I'm not wrong.... From level 137 - 143 in 4 days. I lack sleep now >.>
By the way, congratulations to my friend CryZDit on reaching level 145 yesterday F3. But I only have a picture of him reaching level 144, so yeah.
Last wednesday's Deepavali event was kinda hectic. People mega-ing crap ._. Not that I care. I was just there to laugh at their answers
Someone found out which site had the questions
And Congratulations to the 2 people that leveled to level 200 that day. It's been a while since I saw people reach level 200 xD
Oh and by the way, I'm selling Triple Throw basic skillbook. Anyone interested contact me in Maple. Buyer spon Scissors of Karma with offer as well F3

So yeah that's about it. Have a good weekend guys, and don't stay up late F3. To those having their O levels now, wish you guys all the best! ^.^

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