Saturday, November 19, 2011

PvP nerf on Dark Knight skills

Didn't really notice that they nerf your skills. But on the plus side they make some awesome skills better XD.

Normally Sacrifice would have do 690% damage and consume up to 11% of a Dark Knight's health.
756% damage and 5% hp...... and yet I cannot use it when my health is below 20%...... So much for a kamikaze move, Sacrifice Sacrifice Sacrifice die XD.

My Dragon Roar has also received a rather generous boost. 10% hp consumption and 580% damage.
Hp consumption is pretty much the same, but the damage has been increase to 858%. That might explain the deaths from jumping down(after dying) and roaring XD.

Not really sure how Battle Mode attack works.... But I guess it's another form of attack in PvP. My Dragon Blood's weapon attack buff has been replaced with Battle Mode attack.
Though my regular attacking skill has been nerfed by 30% :\
That explains my lack of good attacks >.> Because most of the time I use this skill it ALWAYS has 3 hits and 1 critical. I'd be lucky to even get 2 criticals.

PvP gives you an extra 2 skills. One is Guardian Armor, which gives 1 Battle Mode Attack per 400 DEF.
There's a skill called Hidden Potential (Explorer) I noticed.
20% attack and defence increase when health is below 20%. ....

35% attack from Berserk.... + 20% attack from this skill.....
It would be better to just get critical. The only reliable Critical attack skill I have is Dragon Roar and Sacrifice. Confirmed Great Critical for Sacrifice, but Dragon Roar gives mixed results.

Oh yeah there were a few skills I didn't post because they got nerfed as well. That, and the fact I forgot to screenshot them =3=.

Beholder's healing (mine is level 1) Heals 120 hp every 9 seconds. After PvP nerf it gives only 70 hp per 9 seconds.
Dragon Fury does 410% damage outside PvP zone. But inside PvP it does 342% damage :(.
Magic Crash suffered the most I guess. 100% chance to cancel enemy buffs outside PvP. Inside PvP it's only a 60% chance.....
Berserk got a terrible nerf as well. At master level (level 30) it adds 60% damage if HP is more than 20%.
Now it gives 35% damage.... But the good part is this skill activates when HP is greater than 0% XD MUAHAHAHAHA free 35% damage :P.
And.....Hex of Beholder got nerfed as well. 560% damage (at level 3) has been brought down to 360% damage. Wat.

So yeah I went online one more time to screenshot my skills.

So yeah I guess that's it for now. I'll screenshot the other characters when I have the time.

I'll post more stuff later. Got a fever on a Saturday morning >.> Will see you guys later

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