Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Night before big bang

So what did YOU guys do the night before big bang ? :D I did what i usually did. SLACK XD Though it wasn't for the whole day, i was kinda busy during slacking times in maple. But i did something to remember Maplestory Episode 2 that i never did(well not usually) I went on a zakum run :D.
So i'm in a much different party, one with only half of them are my friends while the rest are friends of my friends. So the expedition went into 2 parties, altogether having 7 people . The list goes as :

JavierEvan (died halfway)
balrogkiller (died at b3)
g0d0fmages (died at b3 then resurrected by Arch)
We went to zak at around 6pm (+8:00 GMT) and there were many other people already crowding around the Door to Zakum's Altar. So we had to wait. Finally we managed to enter after 2 failed attempts, and got in at roughly 7.15 pm.

And we started fighting to the very max xD. With xXDkFusionXx soloing the right side of zakum, and the rest of the expedition fighting the left, everything went on smoothly. Until of course when Fusion started killing the arms faster than the left side was killing their side. But we managed to finish of all the arms before helping Fusion with the top right arm, which was the last. But of course he came over to help us before he killed his, so thanks xD .
And one death during the expedition was probably my fault, because i used Dragon Roar on a bunch of the flying mobs that zakum summoned, and i should have learned from the last time that if i couldn't 1 roar kill them, i would be luring them to us. Coincidentally my friend looked like he was gonna disconnect but the bishop kept on healing him. But then the bishop died and the mob were close and that dude's hp was 1 so......yeah he died. Partially my fault, but i blame zakum for summoning those mobs xD. Forgive me balrogkiller F3.
So in the end zakum died (3 fatalities but one resurrection), and i got ANOTHER zakum helm xD I'm not gonna potential it this time -.-. I also got a Flame Wheel Basic for my friend JavierEvan (who died at b2) .

And since it was the last night before big bang, me and a good friend of mine got together to take this picture. Yes the guy in the picture is the guy who called me a hacker F3 so yeah since we know each other you'll know he's joking F3
Have fun during big bang tomorrow guys ^_^ The patch is from 7Am- 5pm and it is likely that the patch would be delayed over and over. But who knows xD.
Next post:
Changes in DK skills before and after big bang
EXP comparisons before and after big bang

I took out the how to make noobs from scratch because you can only make them out of pixels xD


  1. Pre-BBP & Post-BBP HP Gain on Levelling - Any Difference ?

    As you know the skill Improving Max HP from Pre-BBP gave us more HP on levelling.

    Has the removal of this skill meant that there is now a decrease in the amount of HP you will gain on levelling ?

    Please Note : This question has nothing to do with Post-BBP skill HP Boost

  2. not really now level-ing up will result in our hp increasing MORE than before.
