Epic face
Haha what's up guys, it's been a few days since my last post O_o Wanted to know if you guys started a resistance character or stayed with your original character. As usual there's this one guy, who is going to reach level 200 ahead of the others (no surprise if he doss) as he did with Aran, Evan and Dual Blade. And they all end with M4ster or something like that xD. That guy must have a lot of time on his hands to actually be able to train so many accounts in such short times.
Althought I am suspicious that this guy could be him xD
Since 2x has been removed and genesis no longer spam-able, I feel bad for those who are trying to reach higher levels. Well, tough luck F3. Level-ing up your way is your own HONEST work so everytime you level up on your own effort, you should feel proud F3. Instead of reaching high levels with hired hands F3.
.....I am gonna get a few trolls for that previous sentence F3. Speaking of Resistance, Have any of you guys found Von after the game of hide n' seek with your friends at the beginning of your character? Credits to Just1nCase for actually finding him O_o I don't think anyone found him( but if you did then big grats for you F3). Although he likes to take many things into particular F3.
After J rescues you and Vita the Test Subject, you can find him at the top. Although I think it's too late for all those high level Resistance characters already xD.
I still haven't decided on what to make, either Battle Mage or Wild Hunter. Battle Mage has the advantage of speedy attacks and party-helpful buffs. Wild Hunters have the advantage of damage and self-buff-ness. Bad things about both sides. Battle Mage : Not bad at damage but are somewhat vulnerable to more damage as they have to go up front to delivery blows to the enemy. Wild Hunter : The current problem is the Ricohet skill. It's a good mobbing skill, but there's a catch. Everytime you attack a monster that is on a higher platform than you are (even if it's just a bit) and you use Ricohet, you will disconnect. Battle Mage : Disadvantages would include slow moving rate compared to Wild Hunters, making them more prone to getting KS-ed by Wild Hunters. Wild Hunters : Problem leads back to Ricohet. When you disconnect, you have a chance of actually losing the map that you were training in, in which case you would be screwed if you did xD. Battle Mages and other Jobs seem to take advantage of this xD.
So i'm struggling here, thinking on which job to pick. Battle Mages, are, I don't know why but, hated by some people. I seriously don't know what is there to hate about Battle Mages. So if a Battle Mage Ks-es you, that person is bad, not the entire job.
The Revolution weapons are really really useful for now lol
And the laggy-ness and the disconnection issues in maple are getting even more serious = = . Sure now logging in is easier compared with before, but what's the use if you keep disconnecting everytime you try to do something = =. No fun, no fun at all. I disconnected and this popped out = =
I didn't know resistance wasn't released yet xD.
So yeah, now maple anniversary boxes are being dropped all over the maple world by mobs. I got one this afternoon , and got something unexpected.
Reverse scroll 1% = =. LOL It might be useful for something one day. But not for now. Someone was lucky to get a Maple Pyrope Rohen D:
And now maple is so laggy I'm a level 2 beginner xD
Monday, May 30, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Nyan cat or music video back
So recently hackers have brought the high score for the nyan cat game on my blog to the max. This really annoys me knowing that people hack when they can't achieve a lot ==. So i might be removing it and reinserting a music video or a playlist on my blog. I already put a playlist as a trial so if it's good it stays. So i'm making a poll asking if the playlist is good, or the music video would be nicer, or to have nyan cat stay xD.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Enjoying resistance? :D
Haha so far resistance has been a fun job, even though it will get boring to some people after a while xD. But hey, some peopel are desperate for the resistance ring. I just want to play because it looks really really fun. And so far, that motivation has kept me going far. I'll have to apologize to those who want to add me though F3 Because I probably won't be accepting requests until i'm well over level 70. Now i still have a long way to go, though i think by tomorrow i can reach my 3rd job advancement :D The only thing i can show is screenshots with the name scribbled out xD.
As to those who picked battle mage, i'd like to know how it's like playing a character that basicly just whacks monsters with a stick xD jkjk don't feel offended. I heard battle mage is AWESOME. Me and my friend were training (shout out to xxsycrasxx xD), i remembered playing my battle mage in Global Maplestory. So sad it's only level 21 xD. And though i considered making a battle mage, i made a wild hunter instead :\. Because I already tried Battle Mage and Mechanic in GMS (refer to my old posts), i wanted to try something new xD. So i made a Wild Hunter, and so far, i do not regret making such a decision ^_^. Although the potions consumed are high, i eventually got used to it and continued playing xD.
I wish I could speak more of my Wild Hunter, but i can't. The only hint is that i'm holding a revolution crossbow xD. Which apparently levels up O_o What's even more surprising is that it reaches to levels HIGHER than a reverse weapon's level.
I find it very surprising O_o. My Dark Knight will come second to my Wild Hunter, at least until he reaches level 70 and i get the ring xD. But if i find the skills REALLY interesting, i will continue my wild hunter until level 120. But then I'd be VERY interested in the 4th job Wild Hunter skill. For example.... Wild Arrow Blast xD. It's like an enhanced version of Hurricane (Storm arrow) by bowmasters xD. Thought with a few good points. Once of them is that you get to move while shooting XD. And another thing would be Feline Berserk. The name makes me think that it's something like Berserk for Dark Knights xD
And here are a few questions i would like to answer for those new Resistance people.
Q: Where is Surl?
A: At the bottom right side of Edelstein.
Q: How much exactly do we need to fill the water tank that Surl told us to fill?
A: Hunt 10 water bottles from the Water thieves (that look like foxes XD)
Q: How many times can we use the Resistance Energy Capsule? Can we buy it?
A: Each resistance character can only use it up to 7 times before you can't use it anymore. And no, you cannot buy it
Q: What about the resistance weapon box?
A: You cannot buy such things. Go 7-eleven there sure sell de ~ XD jkjk
... ignore the 4th answer. The person who asked the 4th question was kinda mad when i answered that xD.
As to those who picked battle mage, i'd like to know how it's like playing a character that basicly just whacks monsters with a stick xD jkjk don't feel offended. I heard battle mage is AWESOME. Me and my friend were training (shout out to xxsycrasxx xD), i remembered playing my battle mage in Global Maplestory. So sad it's only level 21 xD. And though i considered making a battle mage, i made a wild hunter instead :\. Because I already tried Battle Mage and Mechanic in GMS (refer to my old posts), i wanted to try something new xD. So i made a Wild Hunter, and so far, i do not regret making such a decision ^_^. Although the potions consumed are high, i eventually got used to it and continued playing xD.
I wish I could speak more of my Wild Hunter, but i can't. The only hint is that i'm holding a revolution crossbow xD. Which apparently levels up O_o What's even more surprising is that it reaches to levels HIGHER than a reverse weapon's level.
I find it very surprising O_o. My Dark Knight will come second to my Wild Hunter, at least until he reaches level 70 and i get the ring xD. But if i find the skills REALLY interesting, i will continue my wild hunter until level 120. But then I'd be VERY interested in the 4th job Wild Hunter skill. For example.... Wild Arrow Blast xD. It's like an enhanced version of Hurricane (Storm arrow) by bowmasters xD. Thought with a few good points. Once of them is that you get to move while shooting XD. And another thing would be Feline Berserk. The name makes me think that it's something like Berserk for Dark Knights xD
And here are a few questions i would like to answer for those new Resistance people.
Q: Where is Surl?
A: At the bottom right side of Edelstein.
Q: How much exactly do we need to fill the water tank that Surl told us to fill?
A: Hunt 10 water bottles from the Water thieves (that look like foxes XD)
Q: How many times can we use the Resistance Energy Capsule? Can we buy it?
A: Each resistance character can only use it up to 7 times before you can't use it anymore. And no, you cannot buy it
Q: What about the resistance weapon box?
A: You cannot buy such things. Go 7-eleven there sure sell de ~ XD jkjk
... ignore the 4th answer. The person who asked the 4th question was kinda mad when i answered that xD.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Decisions to be made
Still torn between picking Wild Hunter or Battle Mage xD. If Maple gave us 2 character slots, then we wouldn't have a problem. But chances are, we will only get 1 character slot instead of 2 xD. So we might as well decide. Just in case we don't get 2 character slots f3. I'm going with Wild Hunter, although that character will be trained half-heartedly xD. Speaking of which, the map of Edelstein, has been marked as ??? in the world map for the time being. So best for you guys to check it out before wednesday xD.
So I think Battle Mage (BAM) would also be fun. Their HP is largely increased by most of the skills they acquire. But if their skills are cancelled by bosses and mobs (Like Papulatus for instance), they are so screwed xD, but not entirely. Because of their Blue Aura, if they are in a party, the damage is distributed among the members. Thus making them killers xD Like if pink bean does 17k to the BAM the damage is distributed among the members. BAMs do not have magic guard, so they will have to take the full brunt of the damage.
Ship to Edelstein is also available, but you can't go through the portal and take the ship xD.
And who's seen Summoning sacks with ?????????? All over it lol.
And although Mechanic isn't even out yet, you can get the skill books already xD
Oh yeah and as of 23rd may 2011, 0000hrs you can get your SP reset scroll from Naomi inside Event Map. So get it now if you didn't during the Hot Time Event.
And even though my Skills were added perfectly, I went ahead and reset my skills anyway xD
Oh yeah and I wanna know if i should bring back music videos to my blog instead of the nyan cat game. The Nyan Cat music can really annoy some people xD.
So I think Battle Mage (BAM) would also be fun. Their HP is largely increased by most of the skills they acquire. But if their skills are cancelled by bosses and mobs (Like Papulatus for instance), they are so screwed xD, but not entirely. Because of their Blue Aura, if they are in a party, the damage is distributed among the members. Thus making them killers xD Like if pink bean does 17k to the BAM the damage is distributed among the members. BAMs do not have magic guard, so they will have to take the full brunt of the damage.
Ship to Edelstein is also available, but you can't go through the portal and take the ship xD.
And who's seen Summoning sacks with ?????????? All over it lol.
And although Mechanic isn't even out yet, you can get the skill books already xD
Oh yeah and as of 23rd may 2011, 0000hrs you can get your SP reset scroll from Naomi inside Event Map. So get it now if you didn't during the Hot Time Event.
And even though my Skills were added perfectly, I went ahead and reset my skills anyway xD
Oh yeah and I wanna know if i should bring back music videos to my blog instead of the nyan cat game. The Nyan Cat music can really annoy some people xD.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Enjoying big bang xD 2
The colour of our dragon buster and other dragon related skills have turned from blue to orange xD
And the conditions for berserk to activate have gotten much much better xD. At level 20, if your hp is more than 40%, you get berserk xD instead of less than 40%.
And monster magnet doesn't have any low % change of success xD Now it's a hundred percent F5
And big bang has really increased my stats a lot xD
And i really love the new hyper body animation O_o
Also, iron will adds 300 weapon def and 100 magic def compared to the 30 weapon def and magic def before big bang xD.
And there's a new reward selection system for all Party Quests, which is better than getting crap given by the NPC xD. Now you can select your OWN crap :D
The effectiveness of monster magnet
And i also discovered these pocket watches that you can get from leafre O_o my guess is that they might be used for an event later to get the Time Traveler Medal xD The one that adds 10 weapon attack and 10 magic attack
And Resistance weapon boxes and energy capsules to be consumed by resistance characters once battle mage and wild hunter come out xD. When resistance is released this wednesday, imma transfer all this to my wild hunter and make him a friggin high level(i wouldn't say pro, because im a noob xD)
So when resistance is out, there will be a new slot for us to create our resistance character. But there will be only ONE slot. So choose wisely. Pick Battle Mage and you will spend the rest of your maple life whacking mobs with a staff xD I'm not too sure about wands though O_o Battle mages will most likely get a staff instead of a wand , as i remember from my experience in GMS a while ago. Can't find any pictures though, so i'll make it up with a picture of a Maple Pyrope Katara xD
But if you pick a wild hunter, and want to catch a Jaira, you will need DAYS of patience xD. But if you are find with a normal jaguar than you should be right on track. Though wild hunter's defence are low, it sure beats a battle mage's defence. As i recall, battle mages don't have magic guard, but their hp is kinda high. But for Wild Hunters, don't think that your jaguar will tank damage, this is not a battleship from a captain's job. So you will have to grin and bear with the damage taken xD. Other than that, you can move while shooting if you are a wild hunter. This is not normal for jobs that shoot arrows xD. And you get Soul Arrow, Ricochet and Jaguar-Oshi (jaguar swallows the mob and either spits it out to do damage or swallow it to buff you). However Battle Mages get Dark Chain which is a good skill, and they get Blood Drain which really saves on pots xD. It's like Aran's Combo Drain F3. Battle Mages also get a lot of skills that increase their HP, by i don't know how many times, but it's a lot f3
And there's a server check now about the good things and bad things.
Dear Maplers,
Please be informed that there will be an Urgent Server Maintenance on 20th May 2011 from 0900hrs – 1200hrs (+8 GMT).
Game Service will be down. Please log out before this period to prevent any game disruption.
Bug Fix for this Server Maintenance:
– Maple Administrator
and something else i took from the website
Dear Maplers,
To celebrate the launching of Big Bang and to thank all Maplers for your kind understanding towards us during the preparation for Big Bang and bringing MapleSEA to where we are now, we will be coming up with 6 Special Thank You Events specially for all Maplers!
Here are the details for the Thank Maplers Event 1 – Big Bang Hot Time!
No SP Reset given for Big Bang 1? You thought wrong!
On this coming Saturday, 21st May 2011, Exactly 1400hrs (+8 GMT) this very minute, EVERY CHARACTER that is in-game will receive a Cassandra’s Supply Box in their inventory!
You have until 2359hrs on the same day to open it up to get the rewards for this event!

In it, contains 1 X SP Reset Scroll!

When used, it will reset all your Skill Points except your beginner’s skills back into your Skill Points Pool!
Upon receiving it, you will have 24hrs to use it.
To celebrate Year 2011 as a critical milestone which celebrate both the launch of Big Bang and MapleSEA coming 6th Year Anniversary, there will be more rewards!
We will be giving out 2011 additional rewards for each world to randomly lucky Maplers when you open up Cassandra’s Supply Box!
Event Details and Disclaimers
• Only characters above level 13 and has completed 1st Job Advancement will receive Cassandra’s Supply Box.
• In order to receive your SP reset you must not be in the MTS, Cash Shop, or on any transportation ship/boat/plane.
• We advise all Maplers to be located at a map that is not too crowded to prevent delay in receiving Cassandra’s Supply Box in your inventory.
• You will need to have 1 free USE slot in your inventory in order to receive Cassandra’s Supply Box.
• To prevent and avoid server congestion and unexpected character disconnection, we advise maplers to open up Cassandra’s Supply Box at different timings between 1430hrs to 2330hrs.
• There will not be any reimbursement for loss of reward due to unexpected disconnection of any reason. Thank you for your kind understanding.
This is just a start to a series of wonderful and rewarding events to let all our Maplers enjoy MapleSEA.
Details of Thank You Maplers Event 2 will be announced on 21st May 2011, 1430hrs! Right after Hot Time Event!
– MapleSEA Administrator
I really wanna get the medal F5 or the emoticons would be good enough liao F3.
And the conditions for berserk to activate have gotten much much better xD. At level 20, if your hp is more than 40%, you get berserk xD instead of less than 40%.
And monster magnet doesn't have any low % change of success xD Now it's a hundred percent F5
And big bang has really increased my stats a lot xD
And i really love the new hyper body animation O_o
Also, iron will adds 300 weapon def and 100 magic def compared to the 30 weapon def and magic def before big bang xD.
And there's a new reward selection system for all Party Quests, which is better than getting crap given by the NPC xD. Now you can select your OWN crap :D
The effectiveness of monster magnet
And i also discovered these pocket watches that you can get from leafre O_o my guess is that they might be used for an event later to get the Time Traveler Medal xD The one that adds 10 weapon attack and 10 magic attack
And Resistance weapon boxes and energy capsules to be consumed by resistance characters once battle mage and wild hunter come out xD. When resistance is released this wednesday, imma transfer all this to my wild hunter and make him a friggin high level(i wouldn't say pro, because im a noob xD)
So when resistance is out, there will be a new slot for us to create our resistance character. But there will be only ONE slot. So choose wisely. Pick Battle Mage and you will spend the rest of your maple life whacking mobs with a staff xD I'm not too sure about wands though O_o Battle mages will most likely get a staff instead of a wand , as i remember from my experience in GMS a while ago. Can't find any pictures though, so i'll make it up with a picture of a Maple Pyrope Katara xD
But if you pick a wild hunter, and want to catch a Jaira, you will need DAYS of patience xD. But if you are find with a normal jaguar than you should be right on track. Though wild hunter's defence are low, it sure beats a battle mage's defence. As i recall, battle mages don't have magic guard, but their hp is kinda high. But for Wild Hunters, don't think that your jaguar will tank damage, this is not a battleship from a captain's job. So you will have to grin and bear with the damage taken xD. Other than that, you can move while shooting if you are a wild hunter. This is not normal for jobs that shoot arrows xD. And you get Soul Arrow, Ricochet and Jaguar-Oshi (jaguar swallows the mob and either spits it out to do damage or swallow it to buff you). However Battle Mages get Dark Chain which is a good skill, and they get Blood Drain which really saves on pots xD. It's like Aran's Combo Drain F3. Battle Mages also get a lot of skills that increase their HP, by i don't know how many times, but it's a lot f3
And there's a server check now about the good things and bad things.
Urgent Server Maintenance on 20/05/2011
Please be informed that there will be an Urgent Server Maintenance on 20th May 2011 from 0900hrs – 1200hrs (+8 GMT).
Game Service will be down. Please log out before this period to prevent any game disruption.
Bug Fix for this Server Maintenance:
- Random Disconnection Issue
- Priority Seal and Supremacy Seal Usability Error
- Exit from Bent Tree, Phantom Forest back to previous town (Talk to NPC Ridley)
- Access Forest of Oblivion from Mushroom Shrine (Click on Crystal)
- Revert meso price of Magnifying Glass back to normal
– Maple Administrator
and something else i took from the website
Thank You Maplers Event 1 - Big Bang Hot Time!
Dear Maplers,
To celebrate the launching of Big Bang and to thank all Maplers for your kind understanding towards us during the preparation for Big Bang and bringing MapleSEA to where we are now, we will be coming up with 6 Special Thank You Events specially for all Maplers!
Here are the details for the Thank Maplers Event 1 – Big Bang Hot Time!
No SP Reset given for Big Bang 1? You thought wrong!
On this coming Saturday, 21st May 2011, Exactly 1400hrs (+8 GMT) this very minute, EVERY CHARACTER that is in-game will receive a Cassandra’s Supply Box in their inventory!
You have until 2359hrs on the same day to open it up to get the rewards for this event!
In it, contains 1 X SP Reset Scroll!
When used, it will reset all your Skill Points except your beginner’s skills back into your Skill Points Pool!
Upon receiving it, you will have 24hrs to use it.
That’s not all!
To celebrate Year 2011 as a critical milestone which celebrate both the launch of Big Bang and MapleSEA coming 6th Year Anniversary, there will be more rewards!
We will be giving out 2011 additional rewards for each world to randomly lucky Maplers when you open up Cassandra’s Supply Box!
1 X Sweetness Cash Emotion (Permanent) to 670 lucky Maplers for each World Server!
1 X Wink Cash Emotion (Permanent) to 670 lucky Maplers for each World Server!
1 X Ouch Cash Emotion (Permanent) to 670 lucky Maplers for each World Server!
• I’m a Lucky Guy Medal to 1 Luckiest Mapler for Each World Server!

• I’m a Lucky Guy Medal to 1 Luckiest Mapler for Each World Server!
Event Details and Disclaimers
• Only characters above level 13 and has completed 1st Job Advancement will receive Cassandra’s Supply Box.
• In order to receive your SP reset you must not be in the MTS, Cash Shop, or on any transportation ship/boat/plane.
• We advise all Maplers to be located at a map that is not too crowded to prevent delay in receiving Cassandra’s Supply Box in your inventory.
• You will need to have 1 free USE slot in your inventory in order to receive Cassandra’s Supply Box.
• To prevent and avoid server congestion and unexpected character disconnection, we advise maplers to open up Cassandra’s Supply Box at different timings between 1430hrs to 2330hrs.
• There will not be any reimbursement for loss of reward due to unexpected disconnection of any reason. Thank you for your kind understanding.
This is just a start to a series of wonderful and rewarding events to let all our Maplers enjoy MapleSEA.
Details of Thank You Maplers Event 2 will be announced on 21st May 2011, 1430hrs! Right after Hot Time Event!
– MapleSEA Administrator
I really wanna get the medal F5 or the emoticons would be good enough liao F3.
Enjoying big bang xD
So now that big bang has been released, i hope you guys have fun and get adjusted to the maps and all the other things that have changed F3. Now the LOWEST time temple mob level is 140 == and skele is now level 147 == so i have no place to train but brexton. Where i level-ed up after 2 hours of training on a timer xD.
One of the things i never knew about leafre was this rock that heals your hp and mp O_o 1000 at a time XD but i've been to leafre so many times that this is a surprise to me
And i think there might be an event really soon O_o It will be held by Gaga and i found this while i was exploring leafre xD.
So a new kind of competition or event will be coming soon between 25th may to 30th june f3
And a few people have been getting some rather, unique, earrings from gachapon
Most of them were below average xD. So after big bang i was able to record the new skills of Dark Knights, and also the removal of the skills.
Check for the differences xD
So one of the skills i find useful is the HP Boost skill.
At max level it adds 20% max hp, which is why my hp is now 10k xD without hyper body of course. Another skill would be this :
it adds a 30% critical rate when maxed so it's a really useful skill. I got 91k with sacrifice using this skill XD (i think f3).Another skill would be Hex of the beholder which does counter attack, and is something like power guard. Will continue next time about this post xD Maybe tomorrow....
One of the things i never knew about leafre was this rock that heals your hp and mp O_o 1000 at a time XD but i've been to leafre so many times that this is a surprise to me
And i think there might be an event really soon O_o It will be held by Gaga and i found this while i was exploring leafre xD.
So a new kind of competition or event will be coming soon between 25th may to 30th june f3
And a few people have been getting some rather, unique, earrings from gachapon
Most of them were below average xD. So after big bang i was able to record the new skills of Dark Knights, and also the removal of the skills.
Check for the differences xD
So one of the skills i find useful is the HP Boost skill.
At max level it adds 20% max hp, which is why my hp is now 10k xD without hyper body of course. Another skill would be this :
it adds a 30% critical rate when maxed so it's a really useful skill. I got 91k with sacrifice using this skill XD (i think f3).Another skill would be Hex of the beholder which does counter attack, and is something like power guard. Will continue next time about this post xD Maybe tomorrow....
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Night before big bang
So what did YOU guys do the night before big bang ? :D I did what i usually did. SLACK XD Though it wasn't for the whole day, i was kinda busy during slacking times in maple. But i did something to remember Maplestory Episode 2 that i never did(well not usually) I went on a zakum run :D.
So i'm in a much different party, one with only half of them are my friends while the rest are friends of my friends. So the expedition went into 2 parties, altogether having 7 people . The list goes as :
JavierEvan (died halfway)
balrogkiller (died at b3)
g0d0fmages (died at b3 then resurrected by Arch)
We went to zak at around 6pm (+8:00 GMT) and there were many other people already crowding around the Door to Zakum's Altar. So we had to wait. Finally we managed to enter after 2 failed attempts, and got in at roughly 7.15 pm.
And we started fighting to the very max xD. With xXDkFusionXx soloing the right side of zakum, and the rest of the expedition fighting the left, everything went on smoothly. Until of course when Fusion started killing the arms faster than the left side was killing their side. But we managed to finish of all the arms before helping Fusion with the top right arm, which was the last. But of course he came over to help us before he killed his, so thanks xD .
And one death during the expedition was probably my fault, because i used Dragon Roar on a bunch of the flying mobs that zakum summoned, and i should have learned from the last time that if i couldn't 1 roar kill them, i would be luring them to us. Coincidentally my friend looked like he was gonna disconnect but the bishop kept on healing him. But then the bishop died and the mob were close and that dude's hp was 1 so......yeah he died. Partially my fault, but i blame zakum for summoning those mobs xD. Forgive me balrogkiller F3.
So in the end zakum died (3 fatalities but one resurrection), and i got ANOTHER zakum helm xD I'm not gonna potential it this time -.-. I also got a Flame Wheel Basic for my friend JavierEvan (who died at b2) .
And since it was the last night before big bang, me and a good friend of mine got together to take this picture. Yes the guy in the picture is the guy who called me a hacker F3 so yeah since we know each other you'll know he's joking F3
Have fun during big bang tomorrow guys ^_^ The patch is from 7Am- 5pm and it is likely that the patch would be delayed over and over. But who knows xD.
Next post:
Changes in DK skills before and after big bang
EXP comparisons before and after big bang
I took out the how to make noobs from scratch because you can only make them out of pixels xD
So i'm in a much different party, one with only half of them are my friends while the rest are friends of my friends. So the expedition went into 2 parties, altogether having 7 people . The list goes as :
JavierEvan (died halfway)
balrogkiller (died at b3)
g0d0fmages (died at b3 then resurrected by Arch)
We went to zak at around 6pm (+8:00 GMT) and there were many other people already crowding around the Door to Zakum's Altar. So we had to wait. Finally we managed to enter after 2 failed attempts, and got in at roughly 7.15 pm.
And we started fighting to the very max xD. With xXDkFusionXx soloing the right side of zakum, and the rest of the expedition fighting the left, everything went on smoothly. Until of course when Fusion started killing the arms faster than the left side was killing their side. But we managed to finish of all the arms before helping Fusion with the top right arm, which was the last. But of course he came over to help us before he killed his, so thanks xD .
And one death during the expedition was probably my fault, because i used Dragon Roar on a bunch of the flying mobs that zakum summoned, and i should have learned from the last time that if i couldn't 1 roar kill them, i would be luring them to us. Coincidentally my friend looked like he was gonna disconnect but the bishop kept on healing him. But then the bishop died and the mob were close and that dude's hp was 1 so......yeah he died. Partially my fault, but i blame zakum for summoning those mobs xD. Forgive me balrogkiller F3.
So in the end zakum died (3 fatalities but one resurrection), and i got ANOTHER zakum helm xD I'm not gonna potential it this time -.-. I also got a Flame Wheel Basic for my friend JavierEvan (who died at b2) .
And since it was the last night before big bang, me and a good friend of mine got together to take this picture. Yes the guy in the picture is the guy who called me a hacker F3 so yeah since we know each other you'll know he's joking F3
Have fun during big bang tomorrow guys ^_^ The patch is from 7Am- 5pm and it is likely that the patch would be delayed over and over. But who knows xD.
Next post:
Changes in DK skills before and after big bang
EXP comparisons before and after big bang
I took out the how to make noobs from scratch because you can only make them out of pixels xD
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