Thursday, December 30, 2010

Level 124

Thanks to Guildless™ for being such an awesome guild and for treating me and my bii(<3) so well over the past few days we've been in the guild :3 . And i reached level 124 and have unlocked the quest Path of Oblivion ll, which requires me to kill about 999 Priests of Oblivion, which will take a long time . But i don't care XD . The exp there is nice and the time piece drop rate is roughly 500 kills per drop. So now i have about 8 time pieces, and i need another 37 more to make my reverse Alchupiz.

Have you guys actually noticed the heart cloud in the back ground of free market room 7? It's kinda awesome actually. I never noticed it was there O_O. Of course, with the current screen resolution that most maplers use, i hardly believe that anyone has seen it before. Thanks to someone from basilmarket(sorry i forgot your name ><) for pointing out that this cloud actually exists :3
The laggyness inside maple hasn't been as badly as it was before, but it's still laggy, and i died during training at skele >.< and training at the Priests of Oblivion at Time temple bore the same results. I would like to ask the maplestory game masters, why is the server still so laggy even after numerous server checks? And you can still see people fly hacking all over the place and the game masters just turn blind eye to it. How is maple gonna go on like this if there are hackers everywhere? And i envy those people who have reached level 200 over the past few days. I don't understand how they can level up despite the fact that the server is laggy. And the disconnections of several players(including myself) have been continuing for quite some time now. GMs WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING? You guys fix bugs which bring benefit to us but leave the bugs that cause us bad to stay around? Seriously man wtf =.=

Lagging made me do this :3