So yeah, because I wasn't online for quite a while (2 minutes a day doesn't count F3), I'll just make a Wrap Up for those who weren't around this month :P.
Uh.... I'll start of with September being a month with a lot of Server Maintenance and Server Checks. It takes up roughly 2 pages on the website XD
....I wasn't joking. But then again, the events held in Maple this month should be considered rather beneficial :D If I had to name an event this month that was really good, I'd name two. That would be Draw a Portrait and Maple Tree Hill!, and, of course everyone's favourite this month, the Save Gaga! Event. Out of both events, you can earn something without actually needing to use A-cash :P. The Ultimate Spirit Pact Pendant and Happy Ring that can be earned from each respective quest are both equally good XD. The Ultimate Spirit Pact Pendant that adds 5 weapon attack and 10 magic attack..... it wouldn't be a surprise if people would love this more than the Happy Ring XD. But in my opinion, Happy Ring beats The Ultimate Spirit Pact Pendant (getting lazy to keep typing this, I'll call it TUSPP XD), because...... YOU CAN SCROLL IT XD. Which means you can add potential and enhance it too @_@. I joked with my friend about getting 4 rings and getting 27% str potential stats each ring. He spit his Soya Milk all over my breakfast =.=
Wrote about this in an earlier post. 4 Strength and 4 Dexterity ain't that bad XD. But it'd be a waste to recube it >_>. But TUSPP can also have Potential and Enhancement stats. Haven't done either on my TUSPP yet. Didn't even bother scrolling it XD. Elsewhere I'd mess it up >_>.
Queen of Cygnus GM event! This event requires you to bid on various chairs put up for..."auction" by GameMasters in the game. There's a catch though. Only CERTAIN items can be used to bid. And you must use a MEGAPHONE. So this should be one of those.... what my friends call a Money Eating Event(MEE XD) F3. I wrote about this earlier in my post "Frequent Rollbacks ._.". Now, let me first say something about this event. Not only is the item used to bid for chairs ridiculous, but the AMOUNT of the items used are just outrageous! 10000 xxxxx ._. Forgot what the xxxxx was again XD. I think it's Rambutan or something :P. This event, which not many people took part in, would lag a lot of people had the GameMaster used something easier to obtain as an item to bid with. Enough Said.
The Merging of Fornax, Hercules and Gemini!
..... Lol XD. The Merge, as I have anticipated a long time ago but was wondering when it was gonna happen, will probably affect some people no longer playing the Malaysia Gateway. They're gonna feel like replaying Malaysia Gateway again just for fun and might end up STAYING there for the rest of their Maple lives XD. But at least the Merge will populate all 3 worlds. But even with all 3 together, I don't think that it'll have the same amount of people as Aquila XD. If so, then Malaysia Gateway players would have to come populate Cassiopeia and Delphinus XD.
50% EXP coupon sale!
Uh-huh.... Yeah I don't think that the picture is right. But unfortunately, it is. 150% exp would make sense because :
100% = normal EXP gain
50% = Coupon EXP gain
To those on Facebook still quarreling about this, I hope this clears things up =.=" Anyway, this coupon costs 600 cash, which is fairly affordable for most people. However, I'm not sure about the 3 hour one. It's within a 1000-1500 range. Can't be exactly sure. However, compare this 50% exp with the 2x exp we had before big bang, and the price here for 1 hour and the 24 hour price, we'd see that the 2x EXP coupon saves even more XD. But we ain't got anymore 2x EXP coupons, so stop bringing this into arguements =. =" This is a good boost in EXP if you're training, but it's for an hour. And in one hour, ANYTHING can happen ._. Blackout for one hour XD.
Cessation of Meso Dungeon (Review)
Though the abrupt ending of this event may be bad for others, I'd like to thank the GameMasters and MapleSEA Moderators for taking swift action. The reason for this is because of (I guess) the amount of hackers who can take advantage of this event and probably make a hack to exploit the cracked mesos ._. So I guess the GMs closing this before a lot of hackers sell what they earned so "un-honestly" from this event is a really wise move. I joined the event once. Hackers using Vacuum hacks inside the map, drawing the Mob to them, making me unable to earn what I was supposed to. Good god ._.
...........So these are the major stuff that happened this month XD. Lot more actually, it's just that I don't have a lot of time to write now, so I guess I'll try to write when I get the time. Anyway, share your thoughts about this post by posting in the comments below XD. Repeated anonymous posts saying the same thing will be ignored XD