Monday, January 2, 2012

Oh hey its new years and 30k views.

First of all, I just want to wish everyone a Happy New year. May the next 365 days be the best we'll ever have (compared to the other days xD) and have fun. I got bored after having fun, which makes no sense whatsoever. So next week school will start and I'll have to be a bit busy. So now this blog will be on a short hiatus for a while.

Second of all, I stopped playing the private server in which there was Mercedes, so please, stop asking.  I get bored easily these days.

And finally, this blog has reached 30,000 views :D Not that much of an achievement considering how much I used to blog compared to now. Meh, the new year will probably bring more updates to both my blog and Maple and what not. So yeah.

One more time I'd like to wish everyone here a Happy New Year, and happy returning to school LOL LOL LOL XD

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