Friday, December 2, 2011

Attendance check and Artifact event

Grapes are delicious. CASSANDRA, DON'T HOG ALL OF THEM F5.

What's up Maplers? First of all I'd like to apologize for not updating my blog or going online in Maple. I've been rather....busy, to say the least. School holidays have come around and now I've got a part time job at a restaurant nearby, so yeah that fills up 5 hours of my daily computer time.

Now that I logged on for the first time in days, I figured that I should take the Attendance check and the Artifact thing. Grapes were harvested from monsters within half an hour while I was looking for artifacts. I got through 5 of the artifacts before I gave up. Was too sleepy. Had a nap and got up to blog. Maybe after this I'll go online. Anyway, the artifacts I received are :

Auto Mouse In Stone
Gaga's lost glasses
Cassandra's Ball of Crystal
Shiny Wrist Watch
And Soccer Cleats (so far). Didn't get a shot of the cleats, but I got the aftermath XD
Oh yeah, before I forget something, I went for a Dragon Rider Party Quest a couple of weeks back, and got to defeat him along with my party. First time since Big Bang started have I ever participated in another Dragon Rider Party Quest. Anyway, after defeating him in the last round, he gives a quest in which we have to travel to Leafre and talk to Chief Tatamo.
And you get 110 Charisma, which in MapleSEA would be Ambition I guess.

Also in the time span of the last 2 weeks, I tried out Ice Knight until I felt the joy of being an Ice Knight.
Ice Chop is the first skill you get as you fill the bar. I took a screenshot of something I really have no idea what is happening.
Wind piercing bow is facing the left side. But the shot is going the other way. Lolwat. And I got something like a Triple Kill :P.
Then I died and someone leveled up XD.

And one more thing before I'm done. I'd like to thank LeilaLux, Puffy45 and many other of my buddy list friends who wished me happy birthday 2 days ago.
Puffy, thanks for the Giant Potion XD. Had fun, though I didn't have time to jump.

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